Once Again, Responsibility

Hola! How are you guys?

Then, I want to talk about something that really important.

Responsibility (n.)
duty to deal with or take care of somebody/something
blame for something bad that has happened

So, responsibility comes when you agree to do something. You have the burden to make it happen as it wishes. Somehow, it comes when you enjoy the additional right that not everyone has. Right is something that if you get it, it's your privilege, but it won't decrease or increase your responsibility if you don't take it. So, when right comes, responsibility comes also. Both of them are things that can't be separable. For example that you get new phone from your parents. You have right to to whatever with your phone for calling, texting, gaming, etc. But, when you enjoy your right, you have responsibility to take care your new phone. Take care here means that you won't let your phone broken or whatever. 

Being responsible is not something that can be achieved easily. Well, in my experience, I get this point from the main socialization, family. My parents always tell me to be responsible for everything that I do. They will warn me if I do something bad and tell which one is the better. They tell me to keep everything that my parents give to me. I will get punishment if I do bad things. Punishment here is not something like violence, it's more likely like learning. Simple example when I was 1st grade of elementary school, my parents gave me money to buy food when it was a break time. But, in fact I didn't buy food, I bought so many toys from school (there are many people sold toys). They were angry in that time, then they cut my daily money for school. It gave me learning that those money are precious, it' s really bad when you don't have much money, so you don't have to waste your money with something useless, such as buy toys.

As I said before, character of the child begins at home, it depends how the parents set the children to be A or to be B, etc. But, it doesn't mean you can't get this point when you don't get it at home, even I believe that every parents will give "responsibility manner" for their children, even just a piece. The other thing you can train your responsibility is joining organization or community, but you have to be active in those things to improve the responsibility skill. It comes when you are the project officer or maybe coordinator of department in the event. You have to fulfill what the event need from the biggest thing until the smallest thing. In other hand, you will also learn how to cooperate with others.

Responsibility is about priority. A while ago I saw post saying this

"No one is busy in this world. It's all about priorities."

The thing I can learn here is that if you have something you the most prioritize you will have the time, regardless anything. But, somehow people give the responsibility under the right. Example when Rina has group assignment, but in the same time her friend ask her hang out. Whatever the choose, the one which Rina choose is her priority. We can see that group assignment is a must, it's a responsibility to come since Rina one of the member. In other hand, hang out with friend is more likely a right to hang out. Which one is more important? Which one you choose if you were Rina?

It's important for you to have this skill since when you work in the future, you will handle responsibilities to fulfill. By practicing from daily life and also from joining organization or community, you have one step ahead. Remember, there's no institution will accept you if you don't have responsibility skill.